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Writer's pictureLTC Brechin, USAF, Ret.

Juniors and Your Service Academy Applications

Updated: 2 days ago

December is the ideal time to start!

Starting your service academy applications as a junior in high school

Unlike the start of a race, high school junior should not wait for an 'official' starter's gun to kick-off their efforts to earn a US service academy appointment. Instead, you may (and should) begin your preparations much earlier. However, the official "start" of the application process is mid-way through your junior year.

In December, the Air Force Academy summer seminar application opens followed in early January by the US Naval Academy. Then, in February, the US Coast Guard Academy opens the application for the Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) followed by the US Military Academy Summer Leaders Experience (SLE) application. Although each of these applications are not necessary to complete for an appointment, all four may serve as your Pre-candidate Questionnaire (PCQ) for each of the service academies: USAFA, USMA, USNA and USCGA.

Note that the US Merchant Marine Academy does not have a summer program for rising seniors like that other four SAs.

Let's track your 'options' over your junior year beginning with September through the next seven months into the following May.


  • You can prepare for your 'race' by focusing on all three areas of great importance to the service academies: academics, athletics, and activities.

  • I recommend reading my blog about your preparations here.


  • December 1 - AFA summer seminar application opens.

    • Note that it is due on or before January 15, and you must register and start the application prior to January 10.

    • You may use this application for your PCQ. Be sure to indicate that you desire to use the application in this manner.

  • More details about the summer seminars, including SLE and AIM, can be found here.


  • January 6 - Naval Academy summer seminar application opens for 2025.

    • The application closes in April.

    • I recommend submitting the application early as USNA uses a rolling selection process that starts as early as the end of January with the initial invitations.

    • I recommend reading my blog about the NASS essay here.

  • January 15 - AFASS application closes so be prompt and submit it prior to that date.

  • Other notes:

    • It is not too early to start making summer plans beyond the summer seminars. These two blog share other ideas and other SA-sponsored summer sports camps.

    • Plus, the service academies are open for visits throuhout the year. This blog provides more details.


  • February 1 - USCGA AIM application opens.

    • Closing date is April 1, and decision will be released by May 3.

    • Details around the AIM essays are here.

  • February 15 - West Points SLE application opens.

    • It must be submitted prior to April 15.

    • It serves as the PCQ for the US Military Academy.

  • Other notes:

    • The AFASS application is closed so you will have to wait until March 15 when the AF Academy PCQ opens. By completing and submitting the PCQ, you will initiate the application process.

    • Details about the AFA PCQ and your approach can be found here.

    • Note that the formal, online AFA application will open in July.

    • The NASS application is still available and can be submitted up to April. It also serves as the PCQ for USNA.


  • March 15 - AF Academy PCQ opens.

    • Details about the AFA PCQ and your approach can be found here.

  • Other notes:

    • NASS, SLE and AIM applications are still open and can be submitted prior to the closing dates in April


  • April 1 - Coast Guard Academy AIM application closes.

  • April 15 - USMA SLE application closes.

  • April xx - NASS applications will close in early April. The deadline may be extended so refer to the USNA Admissions website for details.


  • May 1 - Both USNA and USMA admissions applications will open.

    • In 2024, both opened on April 28.

  • May 3 - AIM selection decisions will be released.

    • Refer to the USCGA Admissions site for a full schedule of details, including student sessions and AIM scholarship timing.

  • May 15 - Members of Congress (MOCs) should publish their requirements for nomination applications and their due dates.

    • Due dates will vary from September 1 to December 15. Most deadlines occur in October.

    • Some MoCs will publish details later in the summer.

    • Read more details about nominations here.

Your high school junior year is the ideal time to 'start the race.' I tell my students it is "more like a marathon than a sprint," so the best candidates must be ready for the sustained effort required to compete for an appointment. Prepare now and then take the necessary actions in your race, weekly and monthly, to ensure you finish with a win!

[I would welcome a chance to discuss details with you. I offer coaching services to pace and prepare you (and your parents!) for the entire Academy application process . . . including helping you with all of the actions required as a high school junior. Contact me at chris@cbbrechin.com, 503.515.7406 or use my contact form on this website.]


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